From email to Elaine Bent in Dallas, TX
I've caught up on my sleep and some of the piles in the office...all that home administrivia that got shelved for the back to back run of Rainbow Fish-trip to USA-Little Violet.
Attending parent meetings at school and Cameron's music class at Yamaha last Saturday I had to marvel at the different worlds I was a part of...Back to "normal life" it's hard to imagine that the week before I'd been going through security with my pass to get backstage of the Esplanade, and hanging out with local TV stars...ha!
I've been asked to do a guest appearance in a show/concert in May. Three local actor/singers are doing a variety show and want me to come do a musical theatre number with them - I think the plan is that they'll back me up with accappella, When You Walk Through a Storm from Carousel.
Paul Seow also asked me last week to direct his children's production for May, but after praying about it, said no. I told him if I said YES it would be for all the wrong reasons. So I'll help them out in a smaller capacity, and have my days more free for other things. I've agreed to write for two shows for schools and the scripts need attention.
But most important, I feel that I want to begin being more intentional about discipleship and mentoring some of these younger women I've come to know through these shows. I have been suprised by the way some of the guys have opened up to me about their spirituality too - even the homosexuals in the cast. I am meeting one of them for tea today - so we'll just have to see why God has brought these dear ones into my life too.
Have you read THE SACRED ROMANCE, Drawing Nearer to the Heart of God by John Eldridge and Brent Curtis? Wow, I am LOVING IT. It is playing my heartstrings and speaking to my soul like no Christian book I've read...just what I needed to hear as I've been longing for more passion in my relationship with Christ. Something I read in the book yesterday had me going to bed lst night thinking how much I truly LOVE GOD with feelings and not just my head. Loads of theatre analogies in it too because John was an actor in LA for part of his career...
Well thats enough for now. It was great to get your news about CITA. Do stay in touch. I pray you'll know his joy and favour on your life today.