
Exploring Drama as Ministry in MAY 2009: emailed news

Big Day last Saturday for Kimberly: 
and the 19 others who joined me in this adventure.

Exploring Drama as Ministry
A great joy for me to teach, and watch my friends up teaching/performing too (people from 8 different churches involved!)
Two weeks ago only 3 had registered.
Didn't know how many would show up at the door, but the number of notebooks I ordered on Thursday was exactly the right number: 85.
(Sometimes we hear from the Lord, and he guides us in small details.)
One big recession proof takeaway for the participants: it doesn't take money to do drama! This 4 hour workshop/showcase had virtually zero budget turned out to be a priceless experience. The whole thing was completely networking/grassroots comraderie! Plan to offer it again in the summer.

Prayers in our personal life answered: 
-Growing depth of friendship and spiritual nurture with peers.
-Competent health care providers on the various fronts of healing.
-Confident decisions made for summer and school: Tyler will not change schools next year and will spend the summer with grandparents in Orange County, and work June 18-July 18 in a YoungLife Camp, Trail West, in Colorado's Rocky Mountains.

Prayer for May:

Provision for those who are partners in our ministry financially. Continue to pray with us that God will provide for you, bless his followers and meet all of our needs. We are confident that He is able, but we are all now more aware of our dependence on Him!

Planning next steps

In mentoring, leaders' networks, leading CRM Singapore staff and initiatives, leadership and mentoring with artists. 

Jim has a big day May 14th, launching new mentoring networks in English AND Mandarin.  
His New Staff Orientation April 7-9 and Mentoring Seminar April 23 were great successes!

 Tonight Kimberly starts teaching another Theatre in Ministry Class in a Christian College 
(exposing students to the "behind the scenes" aspects of theatre), and wraps up the school year w/drama club performance at International Community School. 
Deciding where to go with this drama momentum and coaching singers for an outreach concert June 2nd. Whee!

Praying for Cameron's maturity in studies & basketball. Still working at discipline needed to succeed in middle school.
Health problems continue for Kimberly. The last few weeks it's been a root canal gone bad. 
Feel lifted and protected in spite of pain and infection in jaw. 
(Found that one's prayer life improves when you're up in the middle of the night looking at friends' facebook status' and praying for them as a diversion from pain!)

DRAMA WORKSHOP: Tyler helped out today! good kid.

Tyler recently read and enjoyed: BE INTOLERANT (BECAUSE SOME THINGS ARE JUST STUPID), by Ryan Dobson.
Cameron's on his first run thru Narnia books (thank God he's finally started to enjoy reading!)
Kimberly's Bible study meditates on the Gospel of John and they've all begun reading the Seasoned Sister's book Fantastic After 40!
Jim's enjoyed Spirituality & Leadership, Alan E. Nelson

Special note for RHCC Missions Commission:
2 of your missionary kids Cameron Creasman (#24) and Gibby Pena (#23) are playing on the same basketball team! 

www.worldcreasmans.com   family news/updates
http://spicetolife.blogspot.com theatre as ministry   


Pluralism? Tolerance?

This month Singapore society's strong polarized views over homosexuality has blown up in the local media over the leadership in a woman's group called AWARE. The arts community has been vocally in the middle of the fray. It's been ugly.

It appears to be a watershed event where under the rhetoric of "inclusiveness" and "pluralism" flames of intolerance have been fanned toward Christians/Christianity or any whose convictions are for the equal right to speak of or uphold traditional moral values in the civic arena.

Jesus is still the Son of God and Saviour. The Holy Spirit brings conviction and some choose to turn & follow. The Father "is not willing that any should perish, but that all would come to repentance." I read John chapter 1 again and am strengthened with an eternal view. However,

Please pray I will have wisdom to be an agent of peace and truth with grace and character.