Life was going so fast this past few months, i never posted or sent news since last may! Here's the news as it was IN JULY...
Exploring Drama as Ministry Showcase/Workshop with local theatre & drama ministry leaders (8 different churches involved!).
On July 4th the team pulled off a second Exploring Drama as Ministry workshop. There was more hands on participation and loads of interest in us holding more workshops. Some of the churches have asked our trainers to come teach workshops in their churches.
Following the workshop was a unique opportunity to help coach a 7 year old Christian accapella group "Agape lla" for their first major concert! It was a delight to come alongside them in a few rehearsals to cheer them into a higher level of public performance/showmanship. I felt God's pleasure as I helped them go from good to great!
Agapella had two blessed nights of proclaiming our good news through accapella music to sold out crowds in the theatre of the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. Following that, I had a unique opportunity to work with local secular musicians for a Singapore Heritage Board Concert. A friend needed some technical behind the scenes help for the concert at the last minute. Please pray that God would open doors for ministry to musicians through the connections made in this concert.
This Monday night my college level Theatre students took their final exam and read their final drafts of the scripts they've written (for use in a ministry context). Two of my students went on a mission trip to Philippines (w permission, a sweet thank you note is pasted below).
The next big drama event for Kimberly: Christians in Theatre Arts Exec Director comes from USA late August to teach, speak, meet & encourage believers in the arts community. Pray with me as I organize support for his class (right) and set up opportunities for him to bless and encourage Christians in the arts.
*On Jul 20, 2009, at 5:10 PM, student Rachel Eric wrote to me after their trip to the Philippines:
rach :)