Come inside to me.
Surrender yourself and enter.
Inside there is safety.
I am so much bigger than all of this.
I see the beginning and the end.
And the endless joy that is coming.
That world outside that is huge to you.
It spins and rages when you only stayoutside.
Come inside to me.
Quiet yourself in your inner world.
There is peace when you come here with me.
There is no war inside your soul
when your will is surrendered to me.
You do not need to fear because you know me;
The one and only God
Of the Majestic Universe.
(The universe in which your tiny earth spins.)
OUTSIDE there is Violence, Danger, Disease, and Poverty
OUTSIDE there is Anger, Fear, and Agitation.
It seems you all can see it now more than ever.
So many little self-appointed gods
are all doing what is right in their
own myopic eyes.
They think that their great big world
is all there is and
they must rule it.
I am LORD even over all of them.
Even the ones who stay Outside.
I am the LORD over them, even if they fight against me
their entire finite lives on this earth
which I the LORD have made.
Forget them outside for awhile.
Won’t you just come inside to me?
I have got this.
You’ll just have to wait and see the proof
that it is true.
I am safety.
I am peace.
I am freedom.
I am justice
for all who will just surrender and spend time with me inside.