
Successful Easter Egg Hunters

Successful Hunters
Originally uploaded by K!Mberly.

Just think, Christians are the only religious followers who serve a LIVING, personal and loving God.

All I needed to celebrate in a big yet spontaneous way was a little encouragement. Melissa asking "Are you going to have another Easter Party?" on Thursday night got me motivated. What fun!


Tyler off to Thailand. He had a GREAT weekend with his old pal Reuel Tan.


We've Found Our Next Home

It's a real gift from God.
The short version of a long story: The same day I posted the article below (where I was struggling with the lack of a paycheck to "validate" the work I do), we learned that the owners of the apartment we've been praying about were willing to drop the price on the rent. That day we went to see another apartment
in the same complex to compare. After seeing this smaller one, we knew that the bigger place a few floors up would suit our family and growing ministry so much better. So we prayed some more about it and instead of having jitters or reservations, we felt at peace about signing the tenancy agreement. The rental price is still a financial stretch for us, but a faith stretching stretch and not a foolhardy stretch. We signed papers and handed over the first months rent yesterday. We'll get the keys the first of April, do some painting and a little fixing up to make it home and office, and will move in after the boys finish their school term May 27th. We can start using it as the CRM office and guest apartment before we move. Want to make a donation? (will send you CRM online donations site). Ha! Ha! See below for a couple pictures. Want more? See photos of the place by double clicking here.
Once when I visited to tell the owners how much I loved this apartment, I let the boys go swimming in the pool. Here's Tyler in his boat!


Weeding the Root of Bitterness

I was asked weeks ago to sing an old hymn for church this coming weekend.

When I survey the wondrous cross

On which the prince of glory died,

My richest gain I count but loss,

And pour contempt on all my pride.

Oh boy. It’s no coincidence that at the same time I was asked by someone else to write an article, give my sage advice, on this subject: “Should Christian Artists Work in Church for Free?” I thought I had settled this for myself long ago; but in the last few days, I’ve discovered a deep root of bitterness and hurt in my heart. Why did God make me this weird “Artistic Type?” And why in God’s earth, even if we reach a certain level of excellence, why is an artists’ work rarely validated by a paycheck? I realize now I’m still working through my issues with the Lord about my worth. He made me to be what I am, and he REALLY LOVES what he made. Yet, I still find these deep beliefs or fears that I’m just this funky little minister’s wife with an unusual hobby that can keep me busy while he does the IMPORTANT stuff. I want to be important too.

Forbid it Lord, that I should boast,

Save in the death of Christ my God.

All the vain things that charm me most,

I sacrifice them to your throne.

I know I should be able to do what God’s made me to do even if people were throwing rocks at me, and here I am whining because others callings can also give them a decent salary. What am I whining about? God has faithfully and generously provided for me. My life is about as glorious as any could be this side of paradise. SO WHAT if I’m not getting “validated” by a check with my name on it! Jesus didn’t have a good career either. I think I’ll go back to the lyrics of the song I’m singing this weekend and ask our Savior to continue his work in my heart on this.

Were the whole realm of nature mine

[Were that I had a bigger paycheck than even Bill Gates],

That were an offering far too small.

Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul…

Demands my soul,

Love demands my soul,

My life, my all.

Though not up on the Createlevoyage website yet, you can see my unedited article.