
The Irrational Season

C'havala Crawley, an amazing younger woman I've come to know in CRM has been prolific on her blog regarding TCK issues (see below for a definition). She makes my head spin at how much reading she does. But I'm glad, and my children are blessed that she has a calling to advising and encouraging and raising third culture kids who embrace their unique identity. I'm reviewing what makes for a good/healthy transition from one country to the next as she reminds me of a RAFT acronym. Reconcilliation, Affirmation, Farewells, Think Destination.
"A TCK is an individual who, after having spent a significant part of the developmental years in a culture other than that of their parents,develops a sense of relationship to all of the cultures while not having full ownership in any. Elements from each culture are incorporated into the life experience, but the sense of belonging is in relationship to others of similar experience."

Third Culture Kids- The Experience of Growing Up Among Worlds
David C. Pollock and Ruth E. Van Reken

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