
Transitions Seminar!

I enjoyed leading this morning focused on Transitions, and had great feedback from the ladies who came, and have put together some good notes, based on Terry Walling's Book Stuck (shown below) and Jim's synthesis of Managing Transitions, by William Bridges.

With the women, we spent 2.5 hours. In a second time with the same material, we took 4 hours. Jim did it once with the staff of an international mission group who was moving their HQ to a different country. They took two days. CRMS has DVDs of Terry teaching his version of it in a Seminar in Singapore, 2009. It's flexible. 

(I did last week in Vietnam with two couples who are planting an independent church. Jim set up this new group which started in February. I was going along to help him lead the mentoring lessons we do called Focusing Leaders Network. It turned out they also wanted drama training. That was easy. In February, I had an evening with twelve from their church, and this trip, they brought together Sunday School leaders from 10 churches to do a full day on Using Drama to Teach Children. I have a blog where over the years, I have posted up drama training notes for anyone who needs ideas.)


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