
Christmas Greeting

"Bless you in the name of Jesus, whose birth we celebrate!"
You've journeyed with us these decades of ministry, and together we've seen so many lives changed by Jesus!
This Christmas we are celebrating the fruitfulness of our Vietnamese Christian friends. So many more new followers of Jesus now have lives of purpose and eternal hope.
Jim & Kimberly in Chattanooga, TN  |  Tyler in Columbia, SC  |  Cameron in Austin, TX

Prayer for this Christmas in V___
Lord God, we believe you are the only hope for this world you created. We believe Emmanuel is with us & Jesus saves.
We pray for the church events all around this globe this coming week. We ask you to reveal your powerful presence and transforming glory. Even to those outside of church gatherings, we pray that you would reveal yourself. Draw them to repentance and new life in your light.
Help those still in darkness see, hear and respond to your offer of meaningful and hopeful life!
As we gather in our homes, or reach out across the miles, draw us nearer to our families and friends. Give us wisdom in how to love one another. Grow our capacity and vision to care for the broken-hearted or marginalized. Encourage our hearts to be confident that in all things, you are with us, and you alone save. ~ Amen.
With gratitude for your partnership,
Jim & Kimberly Creasman
Jesus is the Word of God to us. When God spoke by sending his son, he told us:
EMMANUEL - "God is with us"
JESUS - "God is salvation"
Thank you for joining us in bringing the light and love of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who haven't heard..


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