
Should We Move Back to China?

Jim and I talked last night about the possibility of moving back to China in a few years...I told him my pre-requisite was that both of us take a course in general handyman stuff or we'd end up divorced in China. Stuff breaks ALL THE TIME there and neither of us can do much more than put in a lightbulb (and sometimes have trouble with that!!). We'll see how the climate for the ministry we can do opens up there. I could forseeably continue networking and writing over the internet from anywhere. Can you imagine how suprised people will be when they order a script (rarely happens, but) and I write back and tell them to mail the check to CHINA?

Funny thought.

RE: When Feeling Ignored, Assume the Best of Others
I have decided that every time I feel slighted I'm going to assume it was an error, or unintended. And when I approach people about it, it always turns out that this is true. I almost missed out on making one of my best friends in Singapore by not following up on one thing that she'd not responded on which felt like a real "in your face" kind of rejection. However, it turned out she'd overlooked it, and felt terribly.

I'm enjoying reading THE APPLAUSE OF HEAVEN right now, among other things. I need to go over the DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF little book too. Finally feeling like I've a healthy rhythm to life with a car, a dog, the kids happy, and being in a play that rehearses in the mornings - which is affording me an opportunity to really get to know some people. I'm starting to feel like myself again.

(from and email to Dave Calkins)

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