May was a fruitful month of training pastors and church leaders in Vietnam, and I look forward to being with them again in October. This month, Kimberly joined me for a retun to our longtime home and ministry field of Singapore. It's been a rewarding visit, and we head back to southern California next week.
Morning, noon, and night, we met with more people than we expected. So many wanted to get together and open their hearts to us. We have felt moved by all the affection and appreciation from people we have loved and mentored over the years. There are pastors, artists, church leaders, and many others faithfully loving God and serving people in their homes, communities and workplaces.
We thank God for the faithful service and reproduction of those we invested in. And we are so proud of how they are continuing to serve the Lord, live out the Gospel, and reproduce their lives.
Through your financial and prayer support for us, you have invested in them. You have birthed a leadership development ministry in Singapore; one that is building the Church in this country and around the region!
Please pray for continued fruitfulness for those we have invested in since 2000:
- Jim's first pastors' mentoring network (who are still meeting), started in 2001
- Many pastors and Christians leaders who have become mentors for others
- The board, president, and staff of CRM Singapore (the ministry Jim founded here)
- Christian leaders we have trained who are developing churches and ministries to reach their country and the region
- Friends who became our surrogate family while living in Asia and raising Tyler and Cameron
- Our godchildren: Kate, Eliot, Morna, Monica, Berkhamp, and Yi Hui
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