
The Boys' School Experience Here

(to another American looking into options for their children when they move here)

We've been in Singapore nearly 5 years after 2 years in China. My husband
and I both caucasian Americans and we have had our 2 boys in local schools
the whole time (since they were 3 and 7). We will probably switch the middle
of next year and are considering other options. Both boys are happy in
the system (now 11 and 7) but we also feel they should have a chance to
experience another style of schooling. The system here has its good points
and drawbacks (as does any option). Since we came to Singapore hoping to
make it home, we wanted to immerse ourselves in the life here, and you can't
really understand or relate to Singaporeans unless you are intimate with the
school system. But starting with your girl as a 12 year old may be tough
unless she is confident adaptable, and pretty bright (you can opt out of
taking "mother tongue" as a foreigner, so the 2nd language studies won't be
a problem for her).

You can find a wealth of information and links at the Singapore Ministry
of Education website
(they call it MOE). While living in China, we found
nearly everything we needed to know from this web site.

Year round schools here start a day or two after new year. Ends

All that said, I still haven't met any other caucasian American family who
has made the same schooling choices we have. It was an unusual conviction
we've held to, and it has worked for us, and been a blessing in many ways. I
am on the homeschooling egroup so that I can be inspired by them, get ideas
for supplementing my children's education, and stay connected to their
activites. It's nice to have occassional contact with other
foreigners/parents. I am bored to tears by chit chat with the local mothers
who only seem to care about knowing my children's exam scores and how much I
pay for rent.

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