

Okay. It's been 17 visits now to a local chiropractor. Three times a week is a hefty commitment. Especially when I haven't started to experience any payoff.

Six weeks ago I saw the proof of "subluxation" in the xrays. I really don't want to get calcium deposits and bone spurs in the places where my neck bones have gotten out of whack. Yes. Yes. I want to get that healthy curve back in my neck! So I've signed up for the GOLD FAMILY PLAN to get the $70/visit cost reduced to $50 and and I'm trekking to CHIROPRACTIC CARE downtown mid-day on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays.

My husband is cheering me on for pursuing and sticking with a remedy for chronic neck & shoulder pain, but he remains a ROYAL skeptic. He got a free consultation with the GOLD PLAN. The kids did too and they thought it was really COOL! However, Jim is sure that Dr. Mark injured him while checking the flexiblity in his neck. Every morning since he went in, he tells me his neck still hurts.

He imagines this is what Dr. Mark was saying to himself.

"Oh, so you don't think you need a chiropractor?
(he puts his hands around Jim's chin)
...just...(twist further)
...see about that!! (crack!)"

Dr Mark explains the spine

The part that's started to make me dubious is that I am not given any advice but "KEEP COMING IN...YOU'RE DOING GREAT TO BE REALLY FAITHFUL TO YOUR APPOINTMENTS."
as they chock up another $35 for 3 minutes spent on making my neck and back make more popping sounds (or not).

If I'm this motivated to put my active life on hold to get better, then I want to know about whatever else is going to aid in my healing (diet? exercise?). But supposedly that's what's coming after the first 8 weeks of adjustments...after my spine is where it should be.

I'm feeling like the guy who met Jesus and wanted his kid to be healed.
"If you can make him well..." he said to the Master.
Jesus confidently said, " 'If?' Dude. You've got to Believe."
and the guys says, "I do believe. Help my unbelief."

Problem is. With 'belief' we need to know that what we're putting our faith in has credibility...so because I'm faint of heart, I spent some time on the web reading up on physical therapy for whiplash and feedback on chiropractic care to give myself a little extra encouragement. All I come away with for sure is that I now have a greater chance of getting a stroke. I'd better keep reading.

I've already got the GOLD PLAN and I've committed 5 weeks already. Gonna stick with it and see what happens.

But I'm going to start taking a daily aspirin to thin my blood in case on of those thrice weekly neck pops wants to send a blood clot to my brain.

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