
A watchman Waiting for the Dawn

Psalm 103:5-7
With all my heart, I am waiting, LORD, for you! I trust your promises. I wait for you more eagerly that a soldier on guard duty waits for the dawn. Yes, I wait for you more eagerly that a soldier on guard duty waits for the dawn. [your name here], trust in the LORD! He is always merciful, and he has the power to save you. (CEV)

I AM that watchman. Waiting for dawn. I long for more specific marching orders from the Lord. But I'm just waiting. And as I wait, I am trying to learn to more truly adore God, to let him be enough to satisfy me. In my inactivity my flesh longs to do something influential with my life.

It's not enough that I am sure I'm sure I'm supposed to work in performing arts, cross culturally, and empower others while enjoying the creative process. Crazy. There's far too many options even having it narrowed down that much. I don't want to settle for "good" by marching out in my flesh to get busy. I want to wait. Be sure. Let God bring on the dawn, and make it crystal clear it's of him and not me.

I prayed together last week with one of the other moderators of our arts egroup. Well, we sat in silence most of the time. Thinking about this verse from Psalm 103. What does it mean to be a watchman waiting for dawn? Just waiting on the Lord for the answers to questions and hopes for my life, and praying the same for you, the artists in Singapore who follow Jesus. One member who wrote back today is in this same place of waiting. I imagine that many of you are.

I really got no answers today as I imagined myself in that watchtower. I'm not really one for visions, but it wasn't hard to imagine looking out into the blackness of night over a vast dark plain of desert. I could imagine watching the east for the sun to rise. And as it did, I saw what there was to see for now:

The only thing that was there was the sillouette of the cross on the horizon. And that's enough. It really is. I'll keep waiting with the song that sprang to my heart as soon as I saw it:

Forbid it Lord, that I should boast
Save in the death of Christ my God
All the vain things that charm me most
I sacrifice them to your blood.

Were the whole realm of nature mine
That were an offering far too small
Love so amazing, so divine
Demands my soul, my life, my all.

my post script to this post can be found at:

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