
Create the Future ~ Some Thoughts on Prophecy

Prayer is the way we "write the future” for the friends and family. 
Through prayer, we can see the spiritual potential in people and give voice to that in a way that can change their lives. God has intentionally put you in their lives, and this is one of the reasons!
There are many spiritual gifts listed in the Bible.  Most of them we all will practice regularly, even when it is not "our gift." 
As we mature in our faith, we grow in Faith, even though it may not be the Spiritual Gift of Exceptional Faith.  If we are growing in our faith, we all will increase in our practice of Charitable Giving, Sharing our Faith with others, Hospitality and others. 
The same is true for Prophecy.
"Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy....the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding, encouragement and consolation."  - 1 Corinthians 14:1
Not everyone has a Prophetic Gift, or a supernatural gift of Discernment. But we can all still minister to others through prophecy. Confidence with this comes through our abiding  in Christ, expecting the Holy Spirit to fill us with power, and interceding for others. Ask the Lord for supernatural insight. He will prompt you to speak with boldness into the lives of others. If you've never done this, it may seem strange at first. But try it!
This kind of prophecy is not always an encouraging word. Sometimes the Lord will require us to rebuke someone in out lives. This is hard! But not as much when we realize that a rebuke comes from love for the other person. It is reminding that person, "This is not who you are."
It's not predicting the future, but creating it.
Prayer is the way we recognize potential in others.
When you think back over your life; have there been some people who spoke positively to you and how they envisioned your future? Who did this and how has that made a difference for you?