
A Kid with a Guilty Conscience...

2003 Tyler and his best friends Tom, Bob, and Ben (don't you love those Chinese names?)

Tyler had 3 10 year old boys over Friday afternoon and I had a heartbreaking conversation with one of them. He admitted to me that he had to lie to his parents to be in our house (YIKES). The boys normally have extra classes on Friday afterschool, but they were cancelled this week, so his folks thought he was still at school. His parents won't let him go to ANYONE'S house or have any friends over until he's 18...really sad. We talked about their rules being set in order to protect him from people with bad character, but he feels that he must lie to keep from being beaten, when he doesn't want to be a "liar." I asked him about his guilt in lying to them and whether it was worth it to come over. Maybe we can find ways to let them play without his lying to his parents. After we talked for awhile he said, "Thanks Auntie. Don't tell anyone what I told you about them, but it really kinda makes me feel better just to talk about it. My chest feels better.").

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