
A rowdy bunch for Cameron's 8th birthday party. December 14th. Posted by Hello

email to Kevin:
We're having a very quiet and reflective Christmas season
The flurry of activity for Cameron's birthday yesterday made up for the rest of the month. They both were up at 6:15 to follow the (most awesomest) string. Cameron got this great "freedom force" cargo helicopter with a jeep and army guys and rope ladders and guns and and and. That was the biggest hit, I think (TYLER was JEALOUS!!!). The gifts from his little party friends were also pretty good this year. Mostly toys! (ie. he didn't get any Chinese study workbooks from his best buddy like last year! Only one book and one t-shirt!)
We played twister, cranium cadoo, chinese checkers, beyblades and that old race of eating marshmallows tied to the end of a string (what a hoot!).
Ended the all-boy event with a waterballoon war in the garden below our condo. 2 teams each with a bucket full of little bombs. No bombs hitting above the shoulders. No stepping out of bounds. Jim was the judge of which team was the most dry after only 6 minutes of warfare. The Creasman boys were tied for wettest!
Cam was very cute about this birthday, counting the days until it came...
All day today (the day after) we've been making a BIG deal about his age:
"Hey! you are EIGHT years old!"
He rolls his eyes, "I KNOWWWW!"
He loves it.

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