
Growing up cross culturally

We are happily settled in. The transition to the new school was a
breeze. Kids have INSTANTLY made friends there. I think it's because
most of the students are from the same "TRIBE" as Tyler and Cameron:
ministry kids that have been raised in a country (or countries) that
aren't the country they hold a passport for. They have a lot of things
in common that wasn't true in the local schools where many of their
classmates had never been outside of the city... It's cute to hear them
talking to the new friends they are making. Sharing their travel adventures.
Comparing notes about their adventures and what kind of ministry their
parents do.
Cameron showed me a worksheet he'd done in class.
They were told to use the entire alphabet to name things that you eat.
His list included:
R = rambutans (a south east asian fruit),
S = squid,
F = frog legs,
D= dumplings,
Y = yakult (a Japanese yogurt drink)

All these things are normal to him!

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