
There's a Hole in Her Cup

If our souls were a cup
to hold
to make us feel full
and satisfied
then there's a hole in the bottom of hers.

The people around her
The recipients of her love & care,
We all know she's given
A lifetime of giving to others
She's a model of self sacrifice
No one but Jesus can match.

want to reciprocate and
try to love her.

But as we pour out
aur attention
and gratitude
and our praise
the cup stays full only momentarily
then it dribbles out the bottom.
A steady leak,
it's soon empty;
and we all sense her thirst returning
even as she pretends it's not there.

Soon we're all looking for something to pour back in,
or retreating elsewhere
tired of being
a whine bearer.

Se listen again
and again
to the same old story
of hurts
that put holes in her cup
(some half a century old).

Does anyone really buy it?

these 'injustices' seem inflicted
more because of a
lack of boundaries,
being a doormat,
or having had unrealistic expectations.

The holes in that cup are unforgiveness,
and she's spent a lifetime
addicted to quenching her thirst on a beverage
that can never wholly

Our souls are a cup
meant for only one

The cup of
our souls are made
to hold the living water.
Filled with the Holy Spirit
a promised comforter and friend
who doesn't mind having to keep
pouring in.

All of the other refreshments - 

satisfying relationships
creature comforts
(those things we so often are calling blessings)

- are extra unnecessary ingredients
living water.
jesus claimed he was. 
(ref. John 4)

Fill my cup Lord.
I lift it up Lord.
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul.
Bread of heaven feed me till i want no more
Take my cup
Fill it up
And make me whole

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