
My 42nd birthday

42nd Birthday! Posted by Hello

My quiet birthday was nice. Kids both had used their own money to buy me a
present that was pretty surprising. A first.

In the evening I had a rehearsal for our upcoming Easter production. When it was coming to an end one of the gals husband (the couple JIm and I did the wedding for) came in, in front of everyone there, and gave her a bouquet...I said, "sweet! what's the occassion?" She smiled and said, "Your birthday" and handed them to me. Pretty dear.

I also got 1AM call from Cynthi Knight in Arizona! Her anniverswary is the 23rd so she remembered. I didn't care that she remembered when I was sleeping! How nice that I have a friend who calls me on the other side of the world!

I feel like most of my days are spent regrouping from the piles that gathered from last year's busy-ness and helping the kids pass school exams. Started reading a new book: Sacred Pathways-Discovering Your Soul's Path God. Helping me to explore beyond Cognative Left Brain patterns of worship, and relating to God. That is about the only style I've really ever known - or thought was acceptable (and is actually so WRONG for how he made me).

Kids had a day off after the big sports meet for the school this morning. Once it was over at 10:30 I had a houseful of little boys. I made them all shower (As they get older they start to get stinky). I made out some slips with numbers then they drew who would go in which order. Then had them ring the service bell i have on our stairs when they were done. We made a race of it: 5 boys showered in 13 minutes!!! That must be some kind of record!

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