
Tyler's Worship

Had a touching talk with Tyler at bedtime. He reluctantly told me about how he began to cry in children's church while singing - he couldn't understand what had come over him, was embarassed by his tears, but he felt close to God. He's been wrestling with Biblical ideas of Heaven and Hell (more specifically friends who may not accept Jesus as their saviour and Lord and are doomed!), He's seen alot of suffering in the world, and wonders how God could be just, merciful, all-powerful and loving (which is also news we get from the Bible) with all the messes that are in this world...and on top of that - we've just got these small brains to figure Him out from the Bible and the sense of his presence that we can only feel....

So, God just loved him this morning with an "I'm present" reminder of his love and that his brain is bigger (much bigger) than ours!

He went to sleep imagining himself like a flea...How could he, if he were God explain to a flea the ideas of happiness, or saving money, or traveling to USA, or .... the flea just wouldn't get it!

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