
Chinese with the Creasmans...and Chinese Pod from Shanghai

We've been saying for months that Thursday night is CHINESE NIGHT in our family. But we've been slow to put it into action.

Last week Jim invited a Fuller classmate from Taiwan over for dinner. He used Chinese mostly and we were all a bit glassy eyed by the end of the evening. We're in serious need of "revisions," as we call it in Singapore.

So, last night for the first time I used lessons off of the web @ http://chinesepod.com
For more than a year I've been listening to their podcasts of chinese lessons (from Shanghai)
but yesterday I finally went to check out their on-line resources to use with the family after dinner.

You can get the podcasts without signing up, but it's free to sign up to get the extras.
There are 4 levels and dialogues, words, expansion material for each lesson.
I told my kids (who've been reluctant to keep up with Chinese) that I'll give them 10 cents each time this week they use a sentence from the lesson!

Last May, while in Shanghai, we played a game that was the ultimate in bribery. While we were walking around town, anyone caught speaking English had to give the 'catcher' a kuai!

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